WLMS Newsletter 10/4/2024
Happy Friday Tigershark Families,
This week our 6th graders participated in the 6th Grade Mashup: Engage, Explore, Excel "Unleash Potential, Embrace Adventure, Excel Together!" The purpose of this event is to allow incoming 6th grade students from different elementary schools an opportunity to participate in a variety of team building activities. The ultimate goal is to create a learning environment where students get to know each other in a safe, engaging and nurturing community. It is our hope that through these activities students will find common ground, friendships or even discover something about themselves in the process. Ask your 6th grader this weekend about the experience. We have heard great feedback from the students.
Yankee Candle/Gifts and Things Fundraiser:
On October 1st we kicked off our largest annual fundraiser and we are counting on your support! This is our first time running this program 100% online and need your help to make it a huge success!
WHY: To help fund our programs and school functions. GOAL: For our students to participate and sell 10 items.
Helping us reach our goal is Fun and EASY. We have partnered with Gifts 'N Things to make it happen! With over 100's of gift ideas, including gift wrap, gourmet kitchen essentials, tasty food items & more.
Shop Online and Share with Family and Friends: Email, Text & Post to Social Media!
TO REGISTER: Visit: SupportMySchool.org or Text: ‘Register’ to 636-202-1400
School ID: 136958
Student ID: Enter the last 7 digits of your phone number.
(If you are registering more than one student, just change the last number of your phone number to create a second Student ID)
The more email invites you send, the more supporters we will get! So, break out your email contact list, share on social media, and help spread the word!
Share with Family, Friends & Co-Workers
Thank you so much for your support!
Questions about registration? Call Gifts 'N Things at 800-468-7511
Year-Round Fundraiser at WLMS:
WLMS will have a year round fundraiser with Spiritwear Direct. Orders will be delivered directly to your home. You select the design and style of shirt,hat, bag etc and they will create it for you. They have specials every Friday.
Upcoming dates:
October 1st-October 22nd- Yankee Candle/Gifts and Things Online Fundraiser
October 3rd-7th-Performing Arts Boosters Fundraiser https://deliver.taharkabrothers.com/ Use code WLMSBOOSTERS
October 16th- Flu Clinic: Sign up here
October 17th- Picture Retake Day
October 17th- 6th grade social 3:30-5 7th grade social 6-7:30pm
October 24th- PTSA Meeting B29 7pm
Family File: Be sure to update your student/s family file (emergency card) . Your student will not be able to attend field trips without this form completed. We need to be able to reach our families especially in emergency situations. We still have 192 students without updated emergency contact information! Having issues logging in to HCPSS Connect? Connect Issues Family File Instructions
Free and Reduced Meals:
The 30 Grace period is almost up. Be sure to apply today, if you wish to continue receiving free and reduced-priced meals.
FARMS Application: Families must submit a new application every school year
During the first 30 school days, students with free and reduced-price meal eligibility from the prior school year will be carried over. Any student who has not filled out an application up to the 30th school day will have their prior year status changed to full pay status until a new application is received. Parents / guardians are highly encouraged to fill out the applications as soon as possible. Also, it is very important that applications are filled out correctly.
Student Services and Administration:
Our Counselors and Administration are actively involved in classroom lessons and taking care of the needs of our students and staff during the school day. Should a need arise and you need to speak with your student's counselor, please contact Nakia_Hill@hcpss.org (Student Services Secretary) or call 410-313-6960 to make an appointment. Student services staff and administration may not be available for pop up visits. Please keep this in mind when visiting the school. To schedule an appointment with Administration, please contact Heather_Godwin@hcpss.org.
Message from the Health Suite:
The Flu/COVID Vaccine clinic at Wilde Lake Middle School will be held on October 16th, during school hours. If you have any questions, please call your school’s health room @ 410-313-8940. MESA Flyer and Permission Slip
The WLMS Boosters: One of the things that makes WLMS such a great place for our kids is the amazing performing arts program. Whether your kiddo is enrolled in Band, Orchestra, Theatre, Chorus or Dance, the Boosters make sure they have what they need and get those extra resources that make the programs thrive. The Boosters help arrange and pay for everything from the WLMS afterschool theatre program, to purchasing dance shoes, costumes, and instruments, to bringing in actors and musicians to work with the students. But to do this, we need your support!
Please become a member of the Boosters today! Just go to our sign up page at this link (https://form.jotform.com/242294952012150). We welcome all parents, guardians, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends to join us in supporting our performing artists!
Mark your calendars! In addition to membership, we have three exciting Restaurant Nights coming up, where a portion of the proceeds will go directly to supporting our performing arts programs. These events are a fantastic way to enjoy a meal with family and friends while helping us raise much-needed funds.
Here are the details:
Taharka Brothers Ice Cream
Date: Order by October 7th and they will deliver on October 10th to your house!
Details: Order at https://deliver.taharkabrothers.com/ Use code WLMSBOOSTERS when you order so that we receive a portion of the proceeds.
Mod Pizza: @ Columbia Mall Date: November 19th all day.
Location: 10000 Town Center Ave C, Columbia, MD 21044
Details: Mention Wilde Lake Middle School Boosters when you check out so that we receive a portion of the proceeds.
Interested in learning more or volunteering? Email us at wlmsartsboosters@gmail.com
Attention All WLMS Families!
We are excited to share with you another exciting travel and educational opportunity being offered to this community. From March 26 - April 4, 2026, we will explore Central and Southern Spain on an Explorica by WorldStrides Educational Tour. This travel experience is open to all ages.
During our 10-day tour, local guides will give us a behind-the-scenes look at many of Spain’s most famous landmarks. On this tour, we will travel to the cities of Madrid, Toledo, Grenada, Seville, and Barcelona. We will learn about the history of these cities and experience the culture of each place.
Explorica by WorldStrides was chosen because they have been in business for more than 20 years and have offices around the world enabling them to provide unparalleled service. Even during the pandemic, the company remained open, rescheduling all necessary travel.
You may visit explorica.com/Gwynn-Haymes-7376 to learn more about the trip. The information includes pricing, dates, and the itinerary.
For those interested in learning more about the trip, there will be an information meeting on Thursday, October 10th at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be held at Wilde Lake Middle School in Room 209 - Madame Bedell’s Room. To RSVP to this meeting, please follow the link:RSVP to October 10th Meeting
If the meantime, if you have questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Gwynn-Haymes at csgh.928@gmail.com or cheryl_gwynn-haymes@hcpss.org.
Explorica is the party organizing and responsible for this trip. This trip is NOT a Howard County Public School System, Wilde Lake Middle School, or PTSA sponsored trip, and the individuals chaperoning the trip are not acting as agents for the Howard County Public School System.