Tiger Shark Bytes 1/17/2023

Tiger Shark Bytes  

January 17, 2023

Happy Tuesday, Tiger Shark Families!

Important dates:

  • January 17th- Boosters Meeting  7 pm Meeting id 852 1156 8516; passcode 678387
  • January 18th- Schools close 3 hours early 11:45am
  • January 19th- Incoming 6th Grade Parent orientation 6:30-7:30pm
  • January 19th- PTSA Zoom Meeting​​​​​​​
  • January 20th- End of 2nd marking period
  • January 23rd- School Closed for students.  Professional Work day
  • January 24th- Virtual Scheduling Support 6:30-7:30 details forthcoming
  • January 30th- Report cards available after 5pm on HCPSS Connect
  • February 9th- Dental Clinic **See message below from Healthroom
  • February 20th- Schools and Offices closed Presidents Day

Message from Healthroom:

Wilde Lake Middle School will have a dental clinic. The clinic is  scheduled for February 9th. Forms went home this week. Please check with your student to make sure they have received a form. Please return the completed form to the home room teacher.  All forms are due by January 19, 2023. Any questions and/or concerns feel free to call the health room @ 410-313-8940.


It's time for the Wilde Lake High School Dance Company & Placement Auditions! 

If you are planning to take Dance at Wilde Lake High School next year and have prior dance training in ballet, modern, jazz, or other styles of dance, completing the audition is highly recommended so that you may be placed in the appropriate level for the upcoming school year.   If you do not have prior dance experience, you do NOT need to complete the audition.  Simply sign up for Dance I, the beginner level dance class!

For all pertinent audition information, please follow the link! https://sites.google.com/hcpss.org/wlhsdanceauditions/

To be considered, dancers must complete all 3 parts of the audition by the due dates listed.

Part 1:  Dancer Questionnaire  (Due Friday, January 27th at 3:00pm)

Part 2:  Teacher Recommendations (Due Friday, January 27th at 3:00pm)

Part 3:  In Person Dance Audition  (Monday, January 30th & Tuesday January 31st)  

Please note that freshmen are only eligible for placement in Dance 1 - 4 or Junior Dance Company G/T as specified in the HCPSS Course Catalog.  Freshmen are not eligible for placement in Senior Dance Company G/T.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Tucci at holli_tucci@hcpss.org and follow us on Instagram @wildelakedance


36th Annual Champions of Courage Black History Month Essay Competition

Entries are open for the 36th Annual “Champions of Courage” Black History Month Essay Competition, presented by WBFF Baltimore FOX 45. The competition is open to all Maryland  grades 6 through 12 students.. “Champions of Courage” is a showcase for students to salute their personal heroes - positive role models who have demonstrated the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. inspiring them to dream and achieve. Students can enter by writing a brief essay saluting their “Champion of Courage”. Fifteen essays will be selected, and student winners will present their essays on FOX 45, The CW Baltimore, and My TV Baltimore, during January and February 2023. Each essayist will receive a $100 prize.

Please review the linked document for more detailed information and how to apply! Direct questions to Monique D. Lamar, Director of Equity Initiatives for School Leadership.

Happy Cart is Back this year!

Each month this winter-with your help- we plan to treat our staff with a special treat.  Thank you to each family that has donated Hot Cocoa and treats for WLMS Staff.  We greatly appreciate your donations.  Missed out on the donation and want to support?  Please see the sign up genius for items.  All you have to do is drop the items off and  we’ll do the rest!!



Summer School Programs thru HCPSS

Summer Programs 2023





Career and Technical Education (CTE) Webinars for Middle School Students/Parents

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Program wants all students and parents to have an understanding of CTE course offerings. With 24 career pathways, there are often many misconceptions related to CTE. To ensure that all students and parents make informed decisions with their middle and high school course selections, two virtual webinar sessions will be offered to support understanding and planning.

  • Rising 7th and 8th Grade CTE Webinar

    • Tuesday, January 31st 

      • Time:  6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

      • Registration is required for attendance. Utilize this link to register.

      • A confirmation email will be sent upon completion of registration, and meeting reminders will be sent prior to the webinar. 



PTSA Corner

Spirit Wear Sale: The WLMS PTSA has Spirit Wear T-shirts for sale for only $10 each! Sizes are Adult S to Adult 2XL. Cash, Check, or online payment on our PTSA website are available. Once payments are received (please place cash or check in an envelope, label with your name and “For the PTSA” and turn into the main office) we will process orders and arrange in alphabetical order by last name for students to pick up in the Main Office. Days to pick-up orders will be announced. Please fill out the following SURVEY with your name and T-Shirt sizes for your order.

Website: WLMS PTSA Website 

Email:  wildelakemiddleschoolptsa@gmail.com

Facebook:  wlmsptsa


 Membership Form: https://form.jotform.com/222355873853060

Boosters meeting for Tuesday January 17th at 7 pm Meeting id 852 1156 8516; passcode 678387