Important text
The first store will take place Friday, Dec. 16th in the Media Center during the three lunch periods. Although this is a very rewarding and fun event, it takes a lot of volunteers and donations to pull it off.
Volunteers are needed to help set up, help students during the stores, and then with cleanup after the last lunch. Please use the following SignUp Genius to volunteer.
Starting now until the day of the store we will be accepting donations for the store itself. There are several ways to donate: 1. You can purchase items on the Amazon Wishlist 2. You can donate money on the PTSA MemberHub website or 3. You can purchase items off of the suggested list and turn them into the main office (Labeled “Shark Bite Store”). Any amount helps! (Please feel free to share the Amazon Wishlist with family and friends.)
Suggested Donations: (from Five Below or similar store) Fidget toys, room decor, stuffed animals, blankets, jewelry, tech stuff, art/craft supplies, basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, books, items for students to give as gifts (to family members, friends, or younger siblings). Donated items must be new or unused.
Dear Parents and/or Guardians:
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) now allows local school systems to repurpose inclement weather days as asynchronous school days. At the discretion of the superintendent, HCPSS will use up to three inclement weather asynchronous days during the 2022-2023 school year. One of two additional codes will be instituted to reflect the decision to transition to an asynchronous instruction day:
Code Purple Asynchronous Student Day - School buildings and Office buildings open for staff only
Code Pink Asynchronous Student Day - School buildings and Office buildings closed
On these Code Purple and Code Pink days, HCPSS curriculum resources for secondary students will be delivered within the Canvas learning management system. Resources will be available for all subjects and courses two hours after the start of the regular school day.
Secondary Students are expected to:
log into each course via Canvas
complete work assigned for each course
indicate attendance by submitting the “attendance assignment” posted in each class/course
Students will receive grades for assignments in accordance with teacher parameters for the assignments. In accordance with Policy 8020: Secondary Grading and Reporting, all asynchronous day assignments must be completed within 10 days.
For more information, please visit HCPSS Inclement Weather Asynchronous Instruction Plan.
Wilde Lake Middle School | 10481 Cross Fox Lane, Columbia, MD 21044 | (410) 313-6957 |