Tiger Shark Bytes
June 10, 2022
Theatre performances, 8th Grade Farewell and other important information
Happy Friday!
The past few weeks have been filled with excitement. The WLMS Strings, Band and Chorus students had outstanding performances. On 5/31, our 6th graders participated in the team building trip to the Main Event. Check out the Play Academy program the students participated in. https://www.mainevent.com/events/school-events/play-academy/ The High School visits were a huge success. Our 8th graders were able to tour their prospective high schools for the 2022-2023 school year.
Tonight, Friday, June 10th, the Tiger Shark Theatre Company opens The Two Gentlemen of Verona by William Shakespeare at Howard Community College. Our students will be performing the full comedy at HCC's outdoor theatre, (weather permitting,) the Dreier Stage. If it should rain, we'll move indoors to the Studio Theater in the Horowitz Center. A map Dreier Stage.png for your convenience.
We open on Friday and close on Saturday. Shows start at 7pm and are free to all. You will want to bring a blanket or chair to sit on, as the benches at the outdoor space have proven uncomfortable for some in the past. The Two Gentlemen of Verona Poster.pdf
Important Dates:
- Fri. June 10th Tiger Shark Theatre Company Opens 7PM at HCC outdoor theatre
- Sat. June 11th Tiger Shark Theatre Company performance 7PM at HCC outdoor theatre
- Wed. June 15th 3hr early dismissal @ 11:45AM
- Wed. June 15th 8th Grade Promotion/Block Party 6PM-8PM at WLMS
- Thurs. June 16th 3hr early dismissal @ 11:45AM
- Fri. June 17th Last day of school; 3hr early dismissal @ 11:45AM
- Mon. June 20th Schools/Offices closed in observance of the Juneteenth holiday.
- Wed. June 22nd Q4 Report Cards available to view in HCPSS Connect @ 5 PM
8th grade students, parents, and guardians:
The 2022 8th grade Farewell: Family Block Party will be held on Wednesday, June 15th from 6:00-8:00pm, at Wilde Lake Middle School. Ten years ago, we started a tradition of having a PTSA sponsored reception after the Farewell activity. We will continue that tradition this year. We are asking that 8th grade families bring in either a dessert, snack, or water to the block party.
If your last name begins with:
A-G: Bring a sweet dessert to share (cookies, cake, brownies, fruit, etc…) We ask that if you are bringing in homemade items, that you label it with the ingredients (due to food allergies). Individually wrapped items are preferred.
H-M: Bring a salty/savory snack to share (pretzels, chips, crackers, popcorn, etc…) Individually wrapped items are preferred.
N-Z: Bring a case of water (24 individual bottles; 16 or 8 ounce bottles)
Please bring your item to the block party on June 15th. Thank you and if you have any questions, please email Ms. Drakes: damisha_drakes@hcpss.org
6th and 7th Grade Family Volunteers Needed:
On Wednesday June 15th from 6-8 PM the WLMS Staff will be throwing a Block Party to celebrate our 8th Graders and wish them well as they begin their high school journey in the fall. It is a WLMS tradition that parents who do not currently have 8th Graders volunteer at the event to help set-up, serve food, and clean-up. This allows the families of the 8th Graders to relax and enjoy the celebration. Please consider coming out to help make the event a success for our 8th Graders and their families! Any help is appreciated, please see the Sign-up Genius link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4EAAAC2FA0FF2-8thgrade
MOD Pizza Monday Mention Wilde Lake Middle when placing your order and MOD Pizza will donate 20% of your total to the PTSA! June 13: Online orders use coupon code GR196177W 10:30am - 10:00pm MOD Pizza @ 10000 Town Center Ave Takeout & Delivery Order online or in-person (no phone orders)
End of 2021 – 2022 school year reminders from the Health Room:
IF your student currently has medication in the Health Room, it must be picked up by 12noon on Friday June 17th. If you would like your student to carry their medication home the last day of school, you must contact the Health Room in advance (410-313-8940).
IF you anticipate that your student will need medication in the Health Room for the 2022 – 2023 school year please be sure all medication orders are dated after July 1, 2022. You can find all HCPSS medication order forms on the HCPSS website https://www.hcpss.org/health/medications/
All incoming 7th grade students for the 2022 – 2023 school year are mandated by the state of Maryland to have the following additional vaccines: MCV4 (Meningococcal) and Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis booster). If the Health Room does not have record of this you will receive an envelope with a reminder letter next week. Please be on the lookout for this. There are also some upcoming FREE summer vaccine clinics at the Howard County Health Department on Thursday, June
Back -to-School Vaccine Clinics:
The following BTS vaccine clinics will offer Tdap, MCV4, MenB, HPV, and varicella for FREE (regardless of insurance status). Patients must be the appropriate age to receive the vaccine and must be 18 or younger. Parent or legal guardian required to give consent for anyone younger than 18. No advance registration needed, paper consent and admin forms on-site. Bringing immunization history is helpful but not required. Here are the dates for walk-up back-to-school clinics.
Thursday, June 16, 3:30-5:30 p.m. at HCHD (8930 Stanford Blvd, Columbia 21045), same link as above
Friday, July 22, 3:30-5:30 p.m. at HCHD (8930 Stanford Blvd, Columbia 21045), same link as above
Free Summer Meals HCPSS will offer free meals to all students and any children aged 18 and under weekdays from June 27-August 12, with the exception of when schools are closed July 4 and 19. Full details are available online.
14th Annual Howard County Family Wellness Day
14th Annual Howard County Family Wellness Day on Sunday, June 19th from 8:30am to 1pm at Centennial Park South, brings together the entire community, challenging every organization, public and private, and every citizen, to make a commitment to healthy living. With games, crafts, and performances along with vital health screenings, and health education, Family Wellness Day is a total community collaboration. The event starts with remarks from our community dignitaries and the Matzohball 5K Run/Walk. For more information, schedule of activities, and booth space availability, visit: www.FamilyWellnessDay.org
Howard County Library News
Get excited to be a Summer READer at the Howard County Library System! Monthly prize drawings by branch for High School participants! Check out all the books on the teen summer reading list! Or print out the teen summer reading list
Howard County Library Summer READer program for 2022 (details in English and Spanish on this link)
Did you know that you can do activities at Howard County Library to earn points as a Summer READer? Why not try Craft Mornings for Tweens, where you will explore different crafting materials and methods to make projects that you'll find worthy of posting? Or the Express Yourself Creative
Writing Workshop, where you will learn fun and engaging tips, techniques, and prompts to jump-start your writing. Link to HCLS classes and event
Calling all Summer Readers! Take advantage of the Howard County Library System this summer. They offer free, fun enrichment all summer and help
youth keep reading! You can:
Play the summer reading game! (Finish and hand it in to win prizes!)
Draw for the bookmark contest.
Have fun at free library classes for teens on stem, art and more.
Explore amazing books and resources – if you need ideas about what to read, just ask!
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