October 8, 2021
Happy Friday Tiger Shark Family!
We have had a successful week of MCAP testing. Thank you, parents, for all your support with this. Remember to check frequently for missing assignments on Canvas. There is only 3 weeks left in the first quarter.
Have a great weekend.
Bus Passes -if you or your child signed up for a bus pass, distribution will occur during the week of October 11-15. Email Mrs. Harmon at Andrea_Harmon@hcpss.org if you have any questions
From the Office of World Languages
Office of World Languages will be testing our Heritage Speakers of Spanish to establish high school placement on 11/2/21. Attached is a flyer in Spanish with more information about the assessment.
Important Dates:
- 15- Schools closed for students- Professional Work Day
- 25- Flu Vaccination Clinic- Must have consent form completed by 10/8/2021
- 27- Noodles & Company at The Mall : October 27 from 4-7:00pm 10300 Little Patuxent pkwy Ste 1340 Order online or through the app with coupon code GIVING25, or in-person tell the cashier
- 3- End of 1st Marking Period
- 4-Schools closed for students- Professional Work/ Learning Day
- 8- Conference window opens
- 15-30- Book Fair ***More information to come***
- 22- Parent/Teacher Conferences, schools close 3 hours early
- 23- Parent/Teacher Conferences, schools close 3 hours early
- 24- Parent/Teacher Conferences, Schools CLOSED for students
- 25 & 26- Schools & Offices Closed- Thanksgiving Holiday
FOOD DISTRIBUTION The Christian Worship Center -JCMHC will have food distribution Saturday, October 9th from 11:00am-2:00pm. See flyer for more information.
Grace Community Church CLOTHING GIVEAWAY
Saturday OCTOBER 16, 2021 1:00 - 3:00 P. M.
North Laurel Community Center
9411 Whiskey Bottom Rd
Laurel, MD 20723
(410) 313-0390
Student Absences
Need to report a student absence? Parents, please send an email to
wlmsabsence@hcpss.org to report your child’s absence from classes.
Free and Reduced Meals (FARMS)
Many HCPSS families are eligible to participate in the Free and Reduced Price
Meals (FARMs) program, which provides children with a wide range of
benefits including free or discounted college tuition, testing and application
fees, academic and athletic program fees and many others in addition to free or
discounted meals. We urge WLMS families to check your eligibility and complete the FARMs application regardless of whether you’ve previously participated in the program.