Newletter- 10/14/2021

Happy October!  Just a reminder that school is closed for students tomorrow, Friday, October 15th.   We are only two and a half weeks away from the end of the 1st marking period.  Be sure to check Canvas daily for student grades and updates.  We ask that families, remind their students to wear a mask to school daily.  We have a limited supply in the front office.  We also would like to encourage students to bring a refillable water bottle to school with them.  We have multiple fill stations throughout the building. 


WLMS Important Dates:

October 15th  – No School for Students

October 25th- FLU Vaccine Clinic Sign up 

October 26th -27th - MAP Reading in ELA Classes

October 28th -29th- MAP Math in Math Classes

Nov. 1st , 2nd , & 5th - MAP make-ups



Message from PBIS:

As many of you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We at PBIS would like to invite you to participate in Pink Out Day, on Friday October 22nd. Please wear your pink to support the memories of those who may have passed on fighting the disease, those who have had breast cancer and are now in remission, those who are currently fighting. A reminder that breast cancer is not limited by gender and affects everyone.

What: Pink Out Day (please wear pink clothing, accessories, ribbons, etc)

When: Next Friday, October 22, 2021

Where: WLMS

Why: Breast Cancer Awareness Month



Update on Performing Arts Department Concert Shirts:


Due to stocking concerns and an effort to be equitable, students will not be required to purchase WLMS polos this year. Concert attire will be further discussed to your individual ensemble by Ms. Dice, Mr. Hrico, and Mrs. Walker. Ms. Dice, Mr. Hrico, and Mrs. Walker will be in touch with the community regarding details of concert attire.


PTSA Corner


Shark Bite Store Coming Soon!

Each year as part of the school’s PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports), WLMS teachers and staff hand out Shark Bite tickets (formerly Gotcha Tickets) as a way to recognize students for good behavior throughout the school day. Students collect the tickets and have the opportunity to turn them in for prizes 4 times throughout the year at the school store, known as the Shark Bite Store (formerly the Gotcha Store.) The PTSA helps in purchasing some items for the store and in running the store during lunch hours on the 4 days a year that it is open to students. The first store will run in mid-November (details coming soon). We will send out a sign-up for volunteers able to help out on the day of, but for right now we are asking for donations of $10 Gift Cards which will be used in a raffle for students and staff on the day of the Shark Bite Store. Gift cards can be turned into the main office in an envelope with the label Shark Bite Store. Questions? Email Rachael Kelly at


PTSA Meetings:

PTSA meeting are held the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7PM. At this time, meeting will be held over Zoom. All are welcome to attend! Thank you to all the parents and staff that came to September’s meeting, and we hope to see you there for our next meeting on Thur. October 21st!


Join the PTSA at WLMS:

Did you know that unlike elementary schools, we are a PTSA, not a PTA because Students are allowed to have a voice! Please take this opportunity to join the WLMS PTSA today at Memberships last for the whole school year. Whether you have a lot of time to give or none, joining the PTSA helps us provide fun opportunities for the students. You can also make a donation by selecting “Open Donations” in the MemberHub store.


Spirit Wear: 

WLMS Spirit Wear will be coming soon! We are working on updating the logo (Thank you Guilia Taraszkiewicz for all your hard work!) and have chosen an online vendor that we believe will have more choices for you and your families, and orders will be delivered directly to you. 


Student Absences

Need to report a student absence? Parents, please send an email to to report your child’s absence from classes. Or call our Student services secretary at 410-313-6960.